The Forgotten
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Beyond Theforgotten

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Beyond Theforgotten Empty Beyond Theforgotten

Post  Shaymon Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:13 pm

Monday 16th February 2009.......................

Once again the forces of Theforgotten assembled to take on the might of the best of WOW had to offer. This time there were more of us. Our friends from Wail of Death and Insanity joined us to take on the Heroics of World of Warcraft joined Theforgotten.

We assembled in a rather casual manner until there were 25 formidable fighters. Entering the Obsidian Sanctum the ground rumbled under our feet and Sartharion quaked. The dragon kin and guardians lasted no more than a deadly slice of a sword or a cast of a powerful spell Theforgotten and friends dealt out more than 100k dps. Drake after drake tried to hold us back with their evil tricks but fell to the shear force of the power of our tanks and dpsers. The healers underpinned such ferocity with as much dedication as the force itself. Could Sartharion hold Theforgotten back? Not a chance. Theforgotten swept this boss aside. The power of our tanks and melee combined with awesome dps and healing to match it was decimated in minutes. Gathering our booty we decided that Naxxramas was the next to feel the wrath of a truly intimidating combination of heroes.

Gathering in Naxx Theforgotten laughed over the complete destruction of the sanctum WOW designed. Preparing for battle again Theforgotten stormed through the Spider wing causing Naxx to reminisce about the last time Theforgotten took out all of Naxx only 2 days prior to this onslaught. Now we were back with more and a stronger force than Naxx had ever seen before. We continued to the Plague wing carrying the totally destructive power that was now Theforgotten.

In the plague wing Noth the plaguebringer tried but in vain to save some face for Naxx. But with the battle hardened fighters of Theforgotten he did but put up a valiant effort for life snuffed out with total commitment from our force.

Heigan the unclean offered a temporary respite for Naxx with 2 wipes. As Naxx chortled on the third attempt full of confidence he was soon petrified as Heigan bit the dust again. The last was Loatheb with his 9.7m health, could he with such longevity out last Theforgotten? Naxx you have to do much better……….Theforgotten with over 100k dps, tanks that are feared by all, healers who scurry from nothing Loatheb bit the dust in record time.

Theforgotten are on their way to you again Naxx either put up a better fight or…………………run! We’re coming again and there’s nothing you can do to stop Theforgotten.

An excellent evening for Theforgotten and friends. Are there any other guilds who can match such performance? Bring them on.



Posts : 41
Join date : 2008-09-11

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